Cornell University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 2300 / ENGRD 2300
Digital Logic and Computer Organization
Fall 2024
Prof. Christopher Batten
Tue/Thu @ 11:40–12:55pm • 155 Olin Hall
home | syllabus | staff | schedule | handouts | readings | resources
Miscellaneous Handouts
Lecture Handouts
- Course Overview (NVIDIA Blackwell video,results from activity)
- T01: Digital Circuits (old version, problems)
- T02: Combinational Logic Gates (problems)
- T03: Boolean Equations (problems)
- T04: Combinational Building Blocks (problems)
- T05: Number Systems (problems)
- T06: Sequential Logic Gates
- T07: Finite State Machines (example)
- T08: Sequential Building Blocks
Quiz Handouts
- Quiz 1: Collaboration Policy (solution)
- Quiz 2: Switch-Level Modeling (solution)
- Quiz 3: Gate-Level Timing (solution)
- Quiz 4: Karnaugh Maps (solution)
- Quiz 5: Sequential Logic Gates (solution)
Section Handouts
- Section 1: Linux Development Environment (github)
- Section 2: Verilog Combinational Gate-Level Design (github)
- Section 3: Verilog Testing (github)
- Section 4: Lab 2 Head Start (github)
- Section 5: Verilog Combinational RTL Desgn (github)
- Section 6: Lab 3 Head Start (github)
Lab Handouts
- FPGA Development Primer
- Lab 1 (Parts A & B): Five-Bit Numeric Display – Implementation and Verification
- Lab 1 (Parts C & D): Five-Bit Numeric Display – FPGA Analysis/Prototype and Report
- Lab 2 (Parts A & B): Two-Function Calculator – Implementation and Verification
- Lab 2 (Parts C & D): Two-Function Calculator – FPGA Analysis/Prototype and Report
- Lab 3 (Parts A & B): Music Player – Implementation and Verification